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INTERVJU Blitz razgovor s Michaelom iz dua Innellea pred večerašnji nastup u Tunelu (ENG)


Uoči gostovanja u šibenskom Tunelu, Michaeli iz njemačkog DJ dua Innellea odgovorio nam je na par pitanja. Intervju objavljujemo u izvornom,  obliku na engleskom jeziku.


Your last EP “The World Returns” just got out on Afterlife. What can you tell us about creative process? Was it meant to be published in Afterlife from the beginning?

For us the creativity process means that we can express our daily influences and our feelings in form of music. It is amazing to have such a boutique label in your back! But it also was a process to get there, a lot of work to get to that point.


* The reviews of “The World Returns” are great. What do you say about that? Also, why is this piece special to you?
There are more points that make it special for us. One for example is that white blanket is the first song that includes Michis selfrecorded vocals. Honestly the ep has a deeper meaning for us. Nowadays our world is dominated by profit orientation and selfishness we as humans and musicians need to return to the world with a new and better concept! 
Innellea Afterlife
* I got curious also about the names of your tracks. Why is Sarah crying? Who was Nathan? And is Arya the Game of Thrones Arya? How do you give names to your tracks?
Sarah was the best friend of michi, she accompanied him through school and also through his training. You’re right we‘re huuuuge GOT fans 🙂 In generell if we produce a track we get a specific feeling and we try to find a fitting name for that feeling. 
* You published your music on many labels. How did you get to the big labels like Afterlife, TAU or Innervisions? With which label you published your music on do you identify the most?
It was a steady process of continuous work. We were producing a lot and also always talked a lot with Sanny (our friend and manager) about the future and what to do next. It helps a lot to create your own vision and to follow it. We identify with every label we released music on everyone is a part of our journey! 
* What does collaboration with Afterlife mean to you personally? What do you think about that label, why do you appreciate it? What are your impressions of working with them?
For us it is amazing to get the support of the label. They’re bossin out there musically, graphically and also their showcases are top notch!
* If I’m not wrong, you both were on university till recently (or still are). What did you study, what are your interests except music?
You’re right we both finished our studies DANIEL this and Mici last year. Michi did Printmedia Technologies and Daniel German for foreigners. We’re interested in a lot of things that has something to do with arts. Fashion, architecture…
* Random one – I’ve noticed that you mostly combine black and white T-shirts on your shows. Is that on purpose? Generally speaking, how much do you focus on visual identity? Is it important to you?
Sometimes we speak to each other what we’ll wear especially if it’s a bigger event. We really like fashion it’s one of our favorite forms of art besides music.
* Do you guys party?
There are phases where we do it more often, mostly in summer and then there are phases where we stay sober for some months. 
* Do you know anything about Croatia? Do you know some of our local artists or have you maybe heard about Tunel, the club your Balkans premiere will be in?
We know Croatia from holidays as we were young. And we’re really excited to see your culture! Can’t wait to meet y’all on Saturday.
Innellea ban